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The Call for Notice About Host 2012“Phinikiss • Huludao Xing

时间:2012-06-05 来源: 作者: 点击:3625次

The Call for Notice About Host 2012“Phinikiss • Huludao Xingcheng” Cup China (International) Swimwear Design Contest

    By the approval of China Garment Association, the People's Government of Huludao City, Liaoning Economic and Information Technology Commission, “China International Beach • Swimsuit Culture Expo " will be held in August 2012 in Huludao Xingcheng City. In order to excavate and cultivate swimwear design talent and to promote the healthy development of the swimsuit industry in Huludao and Xingcheng City, especially held "Phinikiss• Huludao xingcheng "Cup China(International) Swimwear Design Contest during the expo, now call for designs from who engaged in fashion design facing around the world, hoping everyone active part in it.
1.    The contest purpose
    Excavating and cultivating swimwear design talents; leading international swimwear trends; establishing image of " Xingcheng Chinese Swimsuit Famous City".

2. The contest organization
Host Organizations:
China Garment Association
the People's Government of Huludao City
Liaoning Economic and Information Technology Commission
Sponsor organization
Liaoning Garment Association
Liaoning Fashion Designers Association
Xingcheng City Government
Huludao City Swimsuit Industry Association
Xingcheng swimsuit Industry Association
3.The contest theme: Ocean Tales
4.The competition bounds:
The designers, students as well as teachers in clothing designers, amateur who are from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions and all countries in the world can independent go in competition.

5. Design requirements:
a. The designs accord with the sport function, reflect the contest theme;
b. Competition designs should be the original designs, shall not infringe the intellectual property of others, if found will be disqualified; the original fabric patterns will award marks;
c. Competition designs appear innovative, contemporary; advocacy healthy sports, harmonious and optimistic attitude towards life.
d, Each series of design is limited one person. The design manuscript will not be returned, please retained papers by yourselves.

6,.Content and process of the contest:
a. Registration:
Each series of design should be five sets, men and women without limitation, can be optional;
Submitting color manuscript (27CM × 40CM), hand-drawn or computer graphics are OK. Attached to the design theme, style drawing, fabric pattern (27CM × 27CM) or fabric sample, description of production process. And name, sex, age, units (schools) place, E-mail, telephone number, QQ number should be written on the right lower corner of the diagram on the back;
And submit to the electronic documents in jpg format layouted of the same size (300dpi resolution);
This Contest contributors is free of registration fee. Competitors can obtain the application forms from the organizing committee via phone, fax, e-mail (copy);
Since the beginning of June 5th,2012, the deadline is July 10th,(by postmark date)the registration information is sent to the Organizing Committee.
b. The initial evaluation
Initial evaluation is starting in mid-July 2012, organizing committee select 30 award entries, the organizing committee will award the Finalist Certificate;
c. The production
The designs that passed the initial evaluation will go into the production stage, the designer can come to the swimsuit company by ballot, designer can come to company to produce clothing in early August, company is responsible for accommodation of designer, transportation fee is paid by designer themselves;
d, Finals and awards
The organizing committee invited domestic famous experts, scholars, designers as judges; selecting the gold, silver, bronze medal of the site. A ceremony will be hold in mid-August and issue the trophies, certificates and prizes. The award-winning swimwear designs will be collected by the contest organizers and the organizers have the right to propagate and publish all designs.
e. Establishment of the award
gold awards for one person           gold prize of 30000RMB
silver awards for two person          silver prize of 15000RMB
bronze awards for two person         bronze prize 8000RMB
award of excellence for ten person     bonus 3000RMB
the Best Network Choice Award       bonus 2000RMB
Note: The bonus for pre-tax amount

7.Contact of the organizing committee 
Address: No.322 Heping District, Qingnian Street, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province (Changxin Building, Block F, Room 1204)
Code: 110004
Contact: Zhou Tao  Ma Siming  Sun Haiyan  Li Dapeng  WangDan
E-mail: lfda2009@126.com
Tel :024-86606281 024-86606283
Fax :024-83959409
Please visit the official website of the Organizing Committee (http://huludao.swimsuit.china.com.cn/2012/) or the Liaoning clothing (http://www.lnfda.com) to download files from association bulletin board. Also can concern about the” swimsuit culture " microblog check the information.

8. Contest shall be explained by The Organizing Committee.


Swimsuit Culture Expo Organizing Committee .             China International Beach swimwear
                                June 5th,2012





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辽宁省纺织服装协会 地址:沈阳市沈河区市府大路262-6号新华国金中心(天玺S-206B)

电话:024-86606283 | Email:LNGA@vip.163.com

辽宁省服装设计师协会 地址:沈阳市沈河区市府大路262-6号新华国金中心(天玺S-206C)

电话:024-86606281 | Email:LFDA2009@126.com

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